Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Day 3-4

 OK, so I fucked up and was too tired after work yesterday to post. Count this as Day 3's content.

It wasn't very eventful. I woke up. Consumed coffee until it was time to go to work.

I made pizzas all damn day long and then came home to my husband bitching about the internet and how "shitty" it is. Y'all! He's gaming online with the wifi. Sure, he can do it but he's having "issues" and being booted. So, I tell him that he needs an ethernet cord connected directly to the modem.

Anyway, after listening to the whining. I finally make it into bed and pass the fuck out.

On to Day 4.

Woke up and discovered the Red Sea had parted. The beavers dam broke? Aunt Flo's bitch ass arrived? I got my period, mkay! Rewind. I started on the 1st. Welcome to 2022, right? But everything stopped and I went the entirety of yesterday with nothing. Typical due to my 41 year old body changing. I used to skipping or having short periods this past year. This morning, I woke up a mess. No! I didn't feel a damn thing.. Maybe due to being fucking exhausted. For the ladies, I'm sure I don't have to explain and I don't plan on going in depth any further. You're Welcome!

So, that shit happened and now I'm consuming coffee and watching TikTok's. I can be found if you click. I also added a bunch of shit to my Amazon Wish List. LOL! Mostly books but I added a new desk and a bookshelf. I also started my son's laundry again. He washed them yesterday but never transferred them to the dryer. They smelled like funky water this morning. The things I do for these people, I swear.

I work today so I have to mentally prepare for that adventure and then afterword, I'll be braving Walmart for an ethernet cable to enhance my husband's gaming experience. I hope to eventually get into the swing of things on this damn blog.

In the beginning of this idea, it was supposed to be a book. I presented it to my friend and she was all for it. With my life the way it is and the other projects I have going on, I thought it better to make it a blog. Anyway, check out this dickheads content while you wait for tomorrow.


Sunday, January 2, 2022


I woke up this morning dreading work tomorrow. Not because I don't like my job but because I want to focus my energy on this next year. I do have plans to make a substantial income so I wouldn't have to work outside the home.

Call me crazy but it's a dream. I have plenty of content to share with the world and if I don't figure out how to get it into the hands of readers, I consider myself a failure. So...this year, I'm focused of exactly that. Getting my work out there.

Everyone who reads my work enjoys it so there has to be more of an audience out there for me.

Anyway, back to what I was initially posting about.

Like I said, I woke up not wanting to go to work tomorrow so I can fuckin' focus. Being an adult really sucks sometimes. But for some reason we need money to survive. Who woulda thought? 

I already have several books published on Amazon and a screenplay in the hands of a director (for reading). But of course, I want to do more. I've decided to write a short screenplay about a reoccurring nightmare I had during my early childhood. I don't want to say too much but it will be geared toward the horror audience. I remember every step I was forced to take during the "episodes" which plagued my youth. This venture shouldn't be too difficult now that I know the basic formula for writing a script. I don't consider myself a professional in the area. I'm green for sure but I'm getting the hang of it.

I'll never quit creating stories for my readers to enjoy but only adding the style of scriptwriting to my portfolio of talents. Who knows? Maybe one day I'll even add Director to the mix. 

Hey! Don't laugh!

I'm serious!

I can dream, right?

Don't answer that!

Anyway, fuckers. There's only so many hours in the day I can be creative, between laundry and other bullshit adulting. Gotta get back to work. Have a great fuckin' day!

This has been your Daily Dose of You're Welcome

Saturday, January 1, 2022


Well, well, well...

Here's a recap of only a few events from 2021 that impacted my life.

I celebrated my 41st birthday.

My book Twisted Faith hit International Best Seller.

I began another adventure/form of self-punishment, and wrote the first draft of a screenplay. (it's epic)

And... sadly, the legendary Betty White passed away. 😭 

It's like she said...FUCK YOU 2022! I don't have time or patients for your shit. I'm out!

Damn, my heart is still processing it.

I'm aware that I didn't know her personally, though Betty was one of my favorites and on my Bucket List of "Celebrities I Want To Meet". Along with Dave Thomas of Wendy's (deceased) and Roseanne Barr (Don't even think about it, woman! Not until I get a chance to hug you, have coffee, and shoot the shit.) I would also like to be graced with the presence of Ryan Reynolds. I like to think I'm an adult and have control over my body but I would most likely go all fan-girl and scare the ever lovin' shit outta him.

I'm not really one of those people who set goals for the new year. But this time, I'm making an exception. This blog is going to be a diary of sorts. I guess, a place I can bitch, moan, and complain. Of course, I'll post day-to-day bullshit and the random funny story. 

Buckle the fuck up! This is gonna be a wild ride.

You're Welcome!

Day 3-4

 OK, so I fucked up and was too tired after work yesterday to post. Count this as Day 3's content. It wasn't very eventful. I woke u...